Super Power Kick 3/6/2025 (final)

Super Power Kick is out as a complete version.

What's new?

8 Stages for and the last Boss Battle.

Ranking. Yes, the game now saves your high scores.

One more enemy (another ninja).

In game How to Play (it is just plain text).

Story (Yep, there is a story in this game and obviously is extremely highly sophisticated :p).

And obviously an ending.

Why it took so long?

Well, the reason is that I was preoccupied with another project of mine.

What now?

Well now the game will remain as is until a problem is discovered.

So play the damn thing and report.


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13 hours ago 1.9 MB
13 hours ago

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Congratulations! I think you've succeeded at making a game that should have existed in 1988 but didn't. It's clear that you put a lot of work and thought into this. Good job.

Looking forward to it!  BTW, I meant to reach out to you.  Last year, I shared the link to SPK on a forum, encouraging people to try it.  Over the last month, people have really been interested.  Out of curiosity, had you announced that you were finishing the game, or was this just a coincidence?